Pastor Allen Victor
Allen grew up in a very traditional Catholic home. While he heard about Christ, he never heard a clear presentation of the gospel. He always wondered “how can I go to heaven when I know that I am not a good person.” God has a way of revealing himself to us when we seek him.
In a conversation with one of his friends, he asked, “How can I be saved if I am a sinner?” The friend lead him to the bible passage Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” In his own words he said, “It was as if a light bulb went off in my head!” He finally understood that going to heaven was not based on how good he was but it was a gift that God was willing to give to anyone who would put their faith in Jesus. “At that very moment, I knew I was saved,” he said.
In the mid 90’s Allen met Gigi and shortly after getting married, they started attending Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale where they both grew spiritually under the teachings of Pastor Bob Coy and other Calvary pastors. He served as a deacon, lead small group bible studies in the church and in his home, as well as served as a marital/pre-marital biblical counselor with his wife Gigi. “While I was enjoying all of the different ministry opportunities at Calvary Ft Lauderdale, I knew God was going to move me out. I just did not know where or when.”
After moving to Jacksonville, Allen along with three other families saw the need of having a church that offered verse-by-verse teaching of God’s Word and established Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville. Since the opening of the “doors” of the church, we have been blessed with people that love the Lord and that are ready to do the work of the ministry. “I enjoy seeing the hunger that people have for the Word and the love they have one for another. No matter who comes to the church, they are met with love and open arms by everyone.”
Allen and Gigi currently have two children, Hannah and Micah. They enjoy serving the Lord by caring for the sheep of His pastures.