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September 1, 2024

Taming the Tongue: The Battle for Control (James 3)

Passage: James 3
Service Type:

The sermon titled “Taming the Tongue: The Battle for Control” is rooted in James 3:1-18, offering a profound reflection on the power of words and the responsibility that comes with teaching the Word of God. James warns that those who teach will face stricter judgment, emphasizing that both doctrine and personal life will be held to a higher standard (James 3:1-2). Teachers of the Word are not only judged by what they preach but also by how they live. Hypocrisy is not acceptable in ministry—whether it’s getting drunk, cursing, being abusive, or committing adultery. However, even outside of teaching, control over one’s words holds immense power, and James illustrates this truth through vivid metaphors: the bit in a horse’s mouth, a ship’s rudder, and a spark igniting a forest fire (James 3:3-5). Though the tongue may seem small, it wields tremendous influence, capable of both good and evil.

The sermon highlights the profound connection between the heart and the tongue. As Matthew 12:34 and Proverbs 23:7 state, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” and “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Therefore, controlling the tongue starts with guarding the heart, which requires us to be mindful of what we consume through media, entertainment, and even the company we keep (Matthew 6:22-23). The words we speak are often a direct reflection of the ideas and influences we allow into our lives. If our hearts are filled with negativity or corruption, our words will reflect that. The analogy of the horse’s bit, the ship’s rudder, and the forest fire all reinforce this point: small actions or words can have a large impact, either steering us toward righteousness or leading us astray.

The sermon then moves into a more modern context, explaining how the tongue has become a powerful tool in today’s society. Social media influencers, politicians, and even pastors can either speak truth or manipulate their followers. The “Weapons of Mass Deception,” as highlighted in James 3:6, involve how easily words, when misused, can deceive entire generations. Social media influencers, shape societal views through their platforms, often promoting consumerism or political agendas, while politicians use carefully crafted messages to shape national ideologies. Hitler’s propaganda machine is a prime historical example of how controlling the narrative can lead to devastating consequences. Today, the media continues to be a powerful influence, with only a handful of corporations controlling the majority of news outlets. This centralized control over information can promote lies and deception, leading society away from truth.

James 3:7-8 emphasizes the difficulty of taming the tongue, likening it to the untamable nature of wild animals. While humans can control lions, dolphins, and even dogs, the tongue remains an unruly and dangerous force, full of deadly poison. However, though no man can tame the tongue on his own, God can. If we give Jesus control, just as a horse submits to its bit, we can learn to tame our speech and reflect godly character. James 3:9-10 further illustrates the duality of the tongue: with it, we bless God, but we also curse our fellow man, who is made in God’s image. This inconsistency reveals the danger and hypocrisy in our words, as the same mouth should not produce both blessing and cursing.

In the final verses of James 3:11-12, the message becomes clear: the fruit of our words reveals the true nature of our hearts. Just as a fig tree cannot bear olives or a spring cannot produce both fresh and bitter water, our words should be consistent with our faith. Those who speak truth must also live in truth, free from deceit or hypocrisy. The wisdom that comes from God, described in James 3:13-18, is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy, and without hypocrisy. Any wisdom that produces envy, strife, or confusion does not come from above but is earthly, sensual, and even demonic.

The sermon concludes with a personal reflection on the importance of living out one’s faith. Pastor Allen shares his journey of embracing Christianity, not just in name but in practice, refusing to hide from the call to live a life consistent with his beliefs. Pastor Allen challenged the congregation to rise to the call of teaching and living in such a way that their doctrine is evident in their actions. Words, like seeds, can shape the future—either sowing peace and righteousness or reaping destruction. Therefore, we must weigh our words with care, knowing that they have the power to shape our destiny.

This message was delivered by Pastor Allen Victor at Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville. The passages referenced include James 3:1-18, Matthew 12:34, Proverbs 23:7, and Matthew 6:22-23.

#TamingTheTongue #JamesChapter3 #PowerOfWords #WeaponsOfMassDeception #SocialMediaInfluencers #WisdomFromAbove #BlessingAndCursing #ControllingTheTongue #FaithAndWords #SpiritualDiscipline #CalvaryChapelWestJacksonville

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