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March 9, 2025

My Cup Runneth Over (Psalm 23)

Passage: Psalm 23
Service Type:

The message, “My Cup Runneth Over,” focused on Psalm 23, where David declared the Lord as his shepherd and provider. The sermon examined what it means for our spiritual cup to overflow, be dry, or even broken. When our cup is full, it overflows with God’s love, the fruit of the Spirit, His presence, power, and purpose. However, if it is dry, it may indicate a lack of desire for the things of God, a struggling prayer life, or weak faith.

The message highlighted Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well in John 4:13-14. She was broken, empty, and searching for fulfillment, yet Jesus offered her living water that would quench her thirst forever. Similarly, Jeremiah 2:13 reminded us of the dangers of forsaking God and seeking fulfillment in things that cannot hold water. Jesus desires to fill us, but our cups may be empty, broken, or dirty. Psalm 139:23-24 and 2 Timothy 2:20-21 urged believers to cleanse their hearts to become vessels of honor, prepared for God’s work.

The sermon challenged believers to examine what they have been filling their cups with—worldly entertainment, materialism, people-pleasing, sinful pleasures, empty religion, or distractions. Colossians 3:2, Mark 8:36, and Luke 10:41-42 emphasized the need to realign priorities and hunger for God. The message concluded with an invitation to thirst for His presence, peace, purpose, perseverance, passion, love, and power, drawing from scriptures such as Psalm 63:1, Matthew 5:6, and Isaiah 40:31.

A time of reflection followed, where the congregation was encouraged to pour out distractions and be still before the Lord, seeking the gifts of the Spirit in accordance with 1 Corinthians 12 and 14. The sermon ended with an invitation to receive the overflowing, abundant life Jesus promised.

This message was preached at Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville by Pastor Allen Victor.

#MyCupRunnethOver #LivingWater #JesusFills #SpiritualRenewal #Psalm23 #ThirstForGod #OverflowingLife

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