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Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 1 10-31 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: 1 Corinthians The message of the cross gives the answer to two of life's biggest questions: "How do you stop…

Psalms 30-32

November 4, 2015
Bible Text: Psalms 30-32 | Preacher: Mike Toth | Series: Psalms
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 1 1-13 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: 1 Corinthians If the church is going to be effective in winning the lost, we must be united.…

Dedication Service

October 28, 2015
Preacher: Allen Victor

Romans 16

October 25, 2015
Bible Text: Romans 16 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Romans

Psalms 26-29

October 21, 2015
Bible Text: Psalms 26-29 | Preacher: Tim Suggs | Series: Psalms

Romans 15

October 18, 2015
Bible Text: Romans 15 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Romans

Psalms 23-25

October 14, 2015
Bible Text: Psalms 23-25 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Psalms

Romans 14

October 11, 2015
Bible Text: Romans 14 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Romans

Psalms 20-22

October 7, 2015
Bible Text: Psalms 20-22 | Preacher: Robbie Lewallen | Series: Psalms

Romans 13

October 4, 2015
Bible Text: Romans 13 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Romans

Psalms 17-19

September 30, 2015
Bible Text: Psalms 17-19 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Psalms

Romans 12 9-21

September 27, 2015
Bible Text: Romans 12 9-21 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Romans

Psalms 12-16

September 23, 2015
Bible Text: Psalms 12-16 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Psalms

Romans 12 1-8

September 20, 2015
Bible Text: Romans 12 1-8 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Romans

Psalms 10-11

September 16, 2015
Bible Text: Psalms 10-11 | Preacher: Craig Maijala | Series: Psalms
Bible Text: Romans 11 | Preacher: Allen Victor

Psalms 6-9

September 9, 2015
Bible Text: Psalms 6-9 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Psalms

Romans 10

September 6, 2015
Bible Text: Romans 10 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Romans

Psalms 1-5

September 2, 2015
Bible Text: Psalms 1-5 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Psalms
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