A verse-by-verse study of chapters 14 and 15 from Deuteronomy, Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #Financialdiscipline.
A verse-by-verse study of verses 21-24 of chapter five from the book of Ephesians. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #God'sPlan
A verse-by-verse study of chapters 34 through 36 from the book of Numbers, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #Boundries
A verse-by-verse study of chapters 32 and 33 from the book of Numbers, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #DestroyIdols
In a short message prior to this year's Christmas Presentation, Pastor Allen reminds us that the birth of Jesus was prophesized by the prophet Isaiah some 700 years before Jesus…
This study is taken from Exodus 23-24. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #nolongerslave #exodus
Bible Text: Luke 2:1-14 | Preacher: Allen Victor | A verse by verse study of verses 1-14 from chapter 2 of the book of Luke presented by Pastor Allen Victor,…
In this message Pastor Allen delves into the sobering narrative of Israel's decline in the absence of God's sovereignty. Set in the period after Joshua's death and before the establishment…