The second of this two-part study of on the subject of service and what our Lord is looking for in His servants, presented by Elder Victor Laird, Calvary Chapel West…
A topical study of verses 20-28 of chapter 20 from Matthew's gospel and other related scriptures, presented by Elder Victor Laird, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel #Service
A verse-by-verse study of verses 1-6 of chapter 4 from Ephesians continuing in our study of this letter from Apostle Paul, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville,…
A verse-by-verse study of chapters 18 through 20 from the book of Numbers, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel #Believe
A verse-by-verse study of chapters 12 through 14 from the book of Numbers, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel #Don'tComplain
A verse-by-verse study of chapters twelve and thirteen from 2 Corinthians, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel #BeWithGod #God'sGrace
A verse-by-verse study of verse 8 to the end of Chapter one from 2 Corinthians. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel #ApostlePaul #ChurchDoctrine
A verse-by-verse study of Galatians chapter 6. Presented by Elder Donavan Mills. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel @FaithNotWorks
A review of what the bible says about putting off the old man and putting on the new, from the perspective of family life in the Christian Home. Presented by…
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 18 from the book of Exodus. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel #Deliverance #I AM WHO I AM #I…
A study from chapter 37 of the book of Psalms about how to trust in the Lord. Presented by special guest speaker Reverend Trip Kimball. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida.…
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 41 from the book of Genesis, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel #EndTimes
A verse-by-verse study of chapters 32 and 33 from the book of Genesis, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 28 from the book of Genesis, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 9 in the book of 1 Corinthians presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 8 in the book of 1 Corinthians presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 26 from the book of Genesis, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 4 in the book of 1 Corinthians presented by Elder Tim Suggs. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel
Pastor Allen covers the subject of Teamwork as written by Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 16. Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel
A study covering things that may cause disunity within the church that are considered negotiable verses the tenants of our faith that are non-negotiable. Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West…