A verse-by-verse study of chapter 3 from Ephesians continuing in our study of this letter from Apostle Paul, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel…
This message speaks about the second important tool God gives to the believer which is Fasting. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #HappyNewYear
Do we consider God's will when we make our new year's resolutions and other life decisions? The message today covers that thought and how prayer is the first of several…
A verse-by-verse study from Galatians chapter 4, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #NoTurningBack #KinsmanRedeemer
A verse-by-verse study of verses 19-29 from Galatians chapter 3, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #SavedByGrace
A verse-by-verse study of the first 18 verses from Galatians chapter 3, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #SavedByGrace
A verse-by-verse study of verses 6-24 completing chapter one of Galatians, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #Ministering
A study on what Jesus meant when He said you are the salt of the earth, presented by Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #TheGoodSamaritan
A verse-by-verse study of chapter six of 2 Corinthians, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #BeWithGod #Persevere
A verse-by-verse study of chapter five of 2 Corinthians, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #BeWithGod #GodatWork
This week we begin our study of Leviticus. A verse-by-verse study from chapters 1 through 5, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #exodus…
A verse-by-verse study of chapter three of 2 Corinthians, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #ApostlePaul #GodisLove
A verse-by-verse study from Exodus chapter 32, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #exodus #Prayer #IdolsOrGod
A verse-by-verse study from Exodus chapters 30 and 31. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #exodus #TheSabbath
A verse-by-verse study from Exodus chapter 28. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #nolongerslave #exodus
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 13 from the book of Exodus. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #Deliverance #I AM WHO I AM #I…
A study from chapter 37 of the book of Psalms about how to trust in the Lord. Presented by special guest speaker Reverend Trip Kimball. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida.…
This week Scott teaches on the topic of how God uses imperfect people to accomplish His purposes. Presented by Scott Schwarzrock. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #God'sPurpose
This week Pastor Allen shares with us there are hundreds of resources for "How to grow a church", but the only one we need is "The Bible". Presented by Pastor…
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 6 from the book of Revelation. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #EndTimes