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November 8, 2023

Lest We Forget (Joshua 4)

Passage: Joshua 4
Service Type:

The following sermon was presented by Pastor Allen Victor of Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville taken from God's word in Joshua chapter 4.

Celebrating traditions and holidays serves as a testament to our desire to remember pivotal events and people in our lives and history. In Joshua chapter 4, after miraculously crossing the Jordan River into the Promised Land, Israel faced the responsibility of remembering God's faithfulness. God commanded Joshua to choose 12 men, each representing a tribe, to gather stones from the riverbed, creating a memorial.

These stones, significant and heavy, symbolized God's powerful act in drying up the Jordan. Placing one set on the west side and another in the Jordan, the stones stood as witnesses and monuments to God's intervention. The priests, holding the ark, exemplified steadfast faith as they stood until everyone crossed, emphasizing the importance of leadership and commitment.

Even the tribes settling on the east side participated in the crossing, demonstrating loyalty and unity. Once the crossing was complete, the river resumed its flow, but the memory endured.

Joshua explained the stones' purpose: to declare God's might to the world and inspire reverence in Israel. These stones were a witness and worship, a testimony and tribute, a proclamation, and praise.

From this story, we derive two lessons imperative to all believers today:

  1. Passing on our faith to the next generation is crucial. Just as God commanded Israel to share their stories and experiences, we must tell our children and grandchildren about God's grace and power. This involves verbal communication, leading by example, involving them in worship and service, and fervently praying for them.
  2. God desires the next generation to experience their miracles, akin to the Red Sea Crossing. We must believe in the impossible, trust God for the unseen, rely on Him for the beyond, and expect Him to do the extraordinary in our lives.

#LestWeForget #Joshua4 #StonesOfRemembrance #RedSeaCrossing #PassOnYourFaith #BelieveGodForTheImpossible #MemorializeWhatGodHasDone

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