Is Jesus Worth Your Love and Affection? April 7, 2019 Preacher: Allen Victor A verse-by-verse study from Luke 14:26-35 by Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville.
Isaiah 7, 8 and 9 April 3, 2019 Preacher: Allen Victor A verse by study of Isaiah chapters 7, 8 and 9 presented by Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville.
Isaiah 3, 4, & 5 March 27, 2019 Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: 4 and 5, Isaiah 3 Pastor Allen Victor at Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, brings a verse by verse study of Isaiah chapters 3 through 5.
Rev 22 The Final Chapter March 24, 2019 Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Revelation Verse by Verse Study of Revelation, Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville
A New Heaven and a New Earth March 17, 2019 Bible Text: Revelation 21:1-27 | Preacher: Tim Suggs | Series: Revelation A verse by verse study of Revelation 21:1-27 By Elder Tim Suggs.
James 1: 12-27 March 13, 2019 Preacher: Donovan Mills Verse by verse study of James 1:12-27 by Elder Donavan Mills
When The Devil Got Arrested March 10, 2019 Bible Text: Revelation 20:1-15 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Revelation
Kingdom Investors (Ecclesiastes 11-12) March 6, 2019 Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 11-12 | Preacher: Allen Victor
Don’t Forget To RSVP March 3, 2019 Bible Text: Revelation 19:11-21 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Revelation
The Groom Is Coming February 24, 2019 Bible Text: Revelation 19:1-19 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Revelation
Ecclesiastes 8 February 20, 2019 Preacher: Allen Victor A verse-by-verse study of Ecclesiastes 8 by Pastor Allen Victor of Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville.
Overcoming Trials James 1:1-11 February 17, 2019 Bible Text: James 1:1-11 | Preacher: Donovan Mills | Series: James
Ecclesiastes 7 February 13, 2019 Preacher: Allen Victor A verse-by-verse study of Ecclesiastes 7 by pastor Allen Victor of Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville.
Ecclesiastes 5-6 February 6, 2019 Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 5-6 | Preacher: Allen Victor Versus by Verse teaching of Pastor Allen Victor of Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville
God Won! (Revelation 16) January 27, 2019 Bible Text: Revelation 16 | Preacher: Allen Victor | Series: Revelation
I Even Tried Wine (Ecclesiastes 2) January 23, 2019 Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 2 | Preacher: Allen Victor