A verse-by-verse study of verses 19-29 from the first chapter of Colossians. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #SavedByGrace.
A verse-by-verse study of verses 12-30 from chapter 2 of the book of Philippians. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #Service
A verse-by-verse study of verses 12-30 of chapter one from the book of Philippians. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel
The second of this two-part study of on the subject of service and what our Lord is looking for in His servants, presented by Elder Victor Laird, Calvary Chapel West…
A topical study of verses 20-28 of chapter 20 from Matthew's gospel and other related scriptures, presented by Elder Victor Laird, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #Service
A verse-by-verse study of chapters 30 and 31 from the book of Numbers, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #SinisSerious
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 2 from our study of the book of Ephesians, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #Savedthroughfaith
A verse-by-verse study of chapters 18 through 20 from the book of Numbers, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #Believe
A verse-by-verse study of chapters 5 through 8 of our study from the book of Numbers, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #Numbers
A verse-by-verse study of chapters 3 and 4 of our study from the book of Numbers, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #Numbers
A study on what Jesus meant when He said you are the salt of the earth, presented by Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #TheGoodSamaritan
A verse-by-verse study of chapters eight and nine of 2 Corinthians, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://www.ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #BeWithGod #GiveFreely
A verse-by-verse study of chapter six of 2 Corinthians, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #BeWithGod #Persevere
A verse-by-verse study of chapter four of 2 Corinthians, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #ApostlePaul #GodisLove
A verse-by-verse study finishing up our study of Exodus from chapters 35 through 40, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #exodus #Prayer #GodCommanded
A verse-by-verse study of verse 8 to the end of Chapter one from 2 Corinthians. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #ApostlePaul #ChurchDoctrine
A verse-by-verse study from Exodus chapters 30 and 31. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #exodus #TheSabbath
A verse-by-verse study from Exodus chapter 28. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #nolongerslave #exodus
A verse-by-verse study of verses 1-23 from the gospel of Matthew. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give @TheGospel