A verse-by-verse study from Exodus chapter 28. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #CCFJAX.org/give #nolongerslave #exodus
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 13 from the book of Exodus. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #Deliverance #I AM WHO I AM #I…
A study from chapter 37 of the book of Psalms about how to trust in the Lord. Presented by special guest speaker Reverend Trip Kimball. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida.…
This week Scott teaches on the topic of how God uses imperfect people to accomplish His purposes. Presented by Scott Schwarzrock. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #God'sPurpose
This week Pastor Allen shares with us there are hundreds of resources for "How to grow a church", but the only one we need is "The Bible". Presented by Pastor…
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 6 from the book of Revelation. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #EndTimes
A verse-by-verse study of verses 1 through 6 of chapter 3 from the book of Revelation. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #EndTimes
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 2 from the book of Revelation. Presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel #EndTimes
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 16 from the book of 1 Corinthians presented by Pastor Allen Victor. This is the final study from 1 Corinthians and next week we will…
A verse-by-verse study of chapters 13 and 14 from the book of 1 Corinthians presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 12 from the book of 1 Corinthians presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel
A verse-by-verse study of chapter 10 in the book of 1 Corinthians presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/ #CalvaryChapel
A study covering things that may cause disunity within the church that are considered negotiable verses the tenants of our faith that are non-negotiable. Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West…
A verse by verse study of chapter 10 from the book of Romans, presented by Elder Tim Suggs, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/
A verse by verse study of verses 12-39 from chapter 8 of the book of Romans, presented by Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/
A verse by verse study of chapter 6 from the book of Romans, presented by Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/
A series of studies from Genesis to Revelation touching on some of the important passages in the Bible. Tonight Pastor Allen will complete the study which began back on January 8,…
A verse by verse study of verses 26-38 from the Gospel of Luke, presented by Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/
A verse by verse study of verses 15-36 from chapter 21 of Acts, presented by Pastor Allen Victor, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. https://ccfjax.org/
A series of studies from Genesis to Revelations touching on some of the important passages in the Bible. This week Elder, Tim Suggs covers highlights from the book of II…