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Volunteer’s Needed

By Serve

If you have the heart to serve, here are the ministries we are currently in need of volunteers.

  • Media Ministry
    • Graphic Design
    • Website Designer
    • A/V Tech.
    • Sound Tech.
    • Social Media Manager
  • Cleaning Team Member
  • Worship Ministry
    • Skilled Musicians/Singers
  • Nursing Homes
    • Bible Study Facilitator
  • Outreach
    • ARC
      • Lead bible studies to assist alcoholics and addicts in recovering from their addictions and to successfully return to their families as productive members of society.
  • Cafe Ministry

Volunteer Applications

By Serve

Below are copies of our volunteer applications. Please download and fill out the appropriate form(s) and submit it to the ministry leader or fill out the .

Volunteer Ministry Application

Servant’s Ministry Application

The following questions are designed to help us know you better. All who serve at Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville (CC) are required to complete and return this application before we can place them in ministry.

We are not looking for professionals. We are looking for faithful committed Christians who love people and who desire to be a part of serving the body and help others get to know Jesus. Please read and be prepared to meet the “Servant’s Ministry Requirement” before completing the application. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with the pastor about it.

Servant’s Ministry Requirements

  1. One must be “saved”, “born again” and “born of the Spirit” according to the Scriptures. (John 3:3­:16, 10:9, 14:6)
  2. You must commit to the specific ministry for a term of six months.
  3. You must read, “T​he Philosophy of Ministry of Calvary Chapel” ​by Pastor Chuck Smith (ask for a copy).
  4. You are expected to attend at least 4 regular worship services per month.
  5. You will be expected to attend ministry meetings.
  6. Arrive at the church 30 minutes prior to the service or scheduled ministry.
  7. Complete the Servant’s Ministry Application.
  8. Read and agree with CC statement of faith.

Background Check

Depending on the ministry position you are seeking, it may be necessary to conduct a criminal background check. Simply having a criminal past does not disqualify you from serving; however, Calvary Chapel would never want to create an environment that would cause a brother or sister to stumble. Due to the current legal environment, we must ask the following questions of everyone who works in ministry.

(If “No” to any of the above, please make an appointment to explain)

(If “Y​es”​to any of the above, please make an appointment to explain.)


A photocopy of your driver’s license may be required depending on the ministry position you are seeking.

Recommended Studies

By Serve

Topics: 1) How to Fast 2) How to Pray 3) How to Hear From God
In this class we will cover:What is Truth? Why is knowing truth significant in our culture today?What is your belief regarding the Birth, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus? Why is…
In this class we will cover: What is your belief regarding salvation? Can you lose it? What is baptism? What is your belief regarding baptism?
Teaching Topics: What are your beliefs regarding the Gifts of The Holy Spirit? What are your beliefs regarding the Church and it’s purpose?
Teaching Topics: What are your beliefs regarding Death? Where do believers and non-believers go when they die? What are your beliefs regarding Return of Jesus Christ? Is it the same event…
Teaching Topics: What are your beliefs regarding The Trinity? Why is this significant? What are your beliefs regarding The Rapture? Why is this significant?
Teaching Topics: What is your beliefs regarding the Bible? Is it truly God’s Word? Is it trustworthy and reliable? Why is it important for you to believe the Bible? What is your…