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April 14, 2024

From Good to Great: Don’t Settle for Less than God’s Best (Hebrews 3)

Passage: Hebrews 3
Service Type:

In this sermon, Pastor Allen delved into the concept of greatness, exploring how individuals throughout history have been esteemed as the greatest in various fields. From sports icons to political leaders, we often hold certain figures in high regard for their achievements and contributions. However, as we journeyed through the book of Hebrews, we discovered a profound truth: Jesus surpasses them all.

The author of Hebrews presents a compelling argument for the superiority of Jesus over figures like Moses, the prophets, and even angels. Jesus, referred to as the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, holds a position of unparalleled significance. While Moses was undoubtedly esteemed among the Hebrew people, having led them out of slavery and authored significant portions of the Old Testament, Jesus transcends Moses in glory and honor.

Drawing on the analogy of a builder and a tenant, we explored the distinction between Jesus and Moses. Moses, like a faithful tenant, served within God's house, but Jesus, as the Son, is the builder and owner of the house itself. This comparison highlights the inherent superiority of Jesus, emphasizing His divine authority and preeminence.

Furthermore, we discussed the importance of being part of the house that Jesus built—the Church. Just as the Hebrews were partakers of Moses' leadership, we are called to hold fast to our confidence and hope in Jesus to remain part of His household. Through faithfulness and perseverance, we become integral members of God's eternal dwelling.

However, the sermon also issued a solemn warning against the dangers of disbelief and hardness of heart. Reflecting on the Israelites' rebellion in the wilderness, we recognized the detrimental effects of refusing to heed God's voice and follow His commands. Disbelief, characterized by a refusal to accept the truth, can lead to a hardening of the heart and ultimately separation from God's rest.

To counteract this spiritual peril, the congregation was urged to exhort one another daily, encouraging one another in faith, prayer, and fellowship. By remaining steadfast in our commitment to God and His Word, we can guard against the deceitfulness of sin and maintain tender hearts receptive to His leading.

In closing, the message emphasized God's desire for His people to enter into His rest, experiencing the fullness of His promises and blessings. Just as the children of Israel failed to enter the promised land due to their disobedience and unbelief, we are reminded of the importance of unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. As we cling to Him and His promises, we can confidently embrace the abundant life and eternal inheritance He offers.

So, let us not settle for anything less than God's best. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who leads us from good to great. For in Him, we find true greatness and the fulfillment of all our deepest longings.

Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, led by Pastor Allen Victor, invites you to join us in this journey of faith and discovery.  Thank you for being part of our family!

#HighPriest #Faithfulness #Belief #ChurchCommunity #DivineAuthority #JesusIsGreater #FaithfulApostle #Belief #Obedience #CalvaryChapelWestJacksonville

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