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August 28, 2024

Ruth’s Respect (Ruth 2)

Passage: Ruth 2
Service Type:

The sermon “Ruth’s Respect” focuses on the story of Ruth in Ruth 2, where she seeks favor and provision through her humble actions and respect for others. The passage introduces Boaz, a relative of Naomi’s late husband Elimelech, who is described as a man of great wealth. In the Israelite tradition, family and property were among the most important possessions, and relatives held significant roles, especially in the case of redemption. Leviticus 25:25 teaches that land was a family inheritance, and if someone became impoverished and sold their portion, a kinsman redeemer, or “Goel,” could buy it back. Boaz, a wealthy and willing kinsman of Elimelech, represents the hope of redemption in this story.

Ruth, a Moabitess and a widow like Naomi, was a foreigner and poor. In ancient Israel, Levitical law provided for the poor through gleaning, which allowed them to collect leftover grain from the fields after the harvesters. Despite her right to glean, Ruth humbly asked Naomi for permission to do so. Ruth’s love and respect for Naomi, along with her humility in seeking food through gleaning, stand out in her character. This shows Ruth’s ability to work hard, with no sense of entitlement, and to serve with honor and diligence.

Boaz’s first encounter with Ruth occurs when he notices her working hard in his field. Ruth’s humility and willingness to labor, rather than give up in the face of hardship, caught Boaz’s attention. Ruth’s decision to go out and glean led to an opportunity to meet Boaz, much like how people can miss out on blessings when they step away from God’s plan. Boaz, as a godly man and a generous employer, made a powerful impression by greeting his workers with respect and showing genuine concern for their well-being.

Boaz’s kindness towards Ruth is clear when he invites her to continue gleaning in his field, offers her protection, and ensures she is provided for and refreshed. In a time where women could be mistreated, Boaz guarantees Ruth’s safety by commanding his young men not to harm her. He also provides her with access to water, a basic necessity, which represents how under his care, Ruth didn’t need to struggle for even the most basic provisions.

Ruth’s response to Boaz’s kindness is one of humility and gratitude. When she asks why she has found favor in his eyes, she acknowledges her foreign status and recognizes that she did nothing to deserve such grace. Boaz, aware of Ruth’s sacrifices and her loyalty to Naomi, expresses that he has heard about her story, signifying that her reputation preceded her. Boaz then blesses Ruth, recognizing her faith in God, under whose wings she had come for refuge.

As the chapter concludes, Boaz continues to show favor to Ruth by inviting her to share a meal and ensuring that extra grain is left for her to glean. Ruth’s hard work is rewarded when she brings home an ephah of barley, enough to sustain her and Naomi for a time. Naomi, who had previously expressed bitterness towards God after her family’s losses, begins to praise God once more, recognizing Boaz’s kindness as God’s provision.

The sermon reflects on how Boaz is a picture of Jesus Christ and His love for His bride, the Church. Like Boaz, Jesus is wealthy in righteousness and willing to redeem us, having paid the price for our sins through His life. Boaz’s actions in providing, protecting, and showing grace to Ruth mirror Jesus’ role in our lives. Just as Boaz came from Bethlehem and blessed his workers with the words “The Lord be with you,” Jesus is Immanuel, “God with us,” born in Bethlehem, offering us grace and communion with Him. Boaz’s concern for Ruth, a foreign widow, parallels how Jesus calls each of us, regardless of our background, and offers His grace freely.

This message encourages believers to trust in God’s plan and recognize that His blessings come in unexpected ways. Ruth’s journey from a poor widow to being blessed by Boaz demonstrates how God’s favor often follows acts of humility, respect, and faithfulness. Even when life’s circumstances seem challenging, God is always at work, orchestrating events for our good, just as He did for Ruth and Naomi.

This sermon, delivered by Pastor Allen Victor at Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, reminds us of the power of God’s grace, the importance of humility and respect, and the faithfulness of our Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

#RuthsRespect #KinsmanRedeemer #BoazAndRuth #GodsGrace #HumilityAndRespect #FaithInGod #JesusOurRedeemer

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