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Honoring Mom (Ruth 1)

May 14, 2023
A verse-by-verse study of chapter one from the book of Ruth.  Presented by Pastor Allen Victor.  Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel #Mother'sDay

The Afterglow (Pt. 2)

February 22, 2023
This is the second study on the topic of Spiritual gifts naming 9 gifts within 3 categories taken from 1 Corinthians, presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville,…

The Afterglow (Part 1)

February 15, 2023
A discussion on the topic of Spiritual Gifts and the part the Holy Spirit plays in receiving those gifts. presented by Pastor Allen Victor. Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida.…
A topical study of verses 20-28 of chapter 20 from Matthew's gospel and other related scriptures, presented by Elder Victor Laird, Calvary Chapel West Jacksonville, Florida. #CalvaryChapel #Service